Friday, January 9, 2009

The 2010 Senate Elections – A look At Their Campaign Financing in 2004 - Note

There are 34 Senate seats that would normally be up for election next year. I have begun to look at these races individually in terms of the likely candidates. However, I wanted to step back for a moment and look at these races in terms of the campaign fundraising and spending the last time these posts came up back in 2004. Most will be running for re-election.

So, here is the data (in the post below). In this first table, I've presented the basics: current information about whether they are running for re-election, amount spent in 2004 in total dollars and per capita, and the latest data for cash on hand. This latter can be important in discerning future intent. We'll look at these numbers more closely, and some other pertinent data shortly.

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